When Brothers meet Pomade,
BROMADE is born.
This is a brand made by two brothers, and made for brothers in the world.
Growing in Hong Kong, the Founders Oscar & Louis, are fascinated by the eye-catching hairstyles of the Premier League football stars. By exploring around Hong Kong, the brothers found that the barbering and men’s grooming culture is what they are looking for. They can look sharp, they can stay neat, and they can be who they are when they are in the barbershops.
The brothers have tried and are intoxicated by lots of styling products to find what they want. With their different preferences, different hair characteristics, and the changing weather, the brothers found that there are no perfect products suits all the people. Instead, they need their right one.
BROMADE is then founded in 2020, to be an independent men’s grooming reviewer based in Hong Kong, to provide objective comments of grooming products, such as Pomade, Clay, Paste, Aftershave and Deodorants. BROMADE is using the local Cantonese to spread the barbering culture in Hong Kong, to help their audiences to find their right products. Whenever BROMADE was asked to suggest a perfect product, we always tell them the below:
No product is perfect, choose your right one.